
Rivera, Acequia Culture (paper) $30.00

DeBuys, Enchantment and Exploitation (paper) $30.00

Ebright, Advocates for the Oppressed (paper) $25.00

Ebright, Advocates for the Oppressed (hardcover) $40.00

Ebright, Land Grants and Lawsuits (paper) $20.00

Ebright, Land Grants and Lawsuits (hardcover) $30.00

Ebright, Spanish and Mexican Land Grants and the Law (paper) $15.00

Ebright, The Tierra Amarilla Grant: A History of Chicanery (paper) $10.00

Ebright and Hendricks, Pueblo Sovereignty (hardcover) $30.00

Ebright and Hendricks, The Witches of Abiquiu (paper) $25.00

Ebright, Hendricks, and Hughes, Four Square Leagues (paper) $25.00

Forrest, The Preservation of the Village (paper) $20.00

Gonzales, Nación Genízara (paper) $35.00

Simmons, Hispanic Albuquerque, 1706-1846 (paper) $20.00

Simmons, New Mexico: An Interpretive History (paper) $20.00

Simmons, Spanish Pathways (paper) $25.00

Stamatov, Colonial New Mexico Families (hardcover) $35.00

Van Ness, Spanish and Mexican Land Grants (paper) $15.00


Young Readers

Anaya, La Llorona: The Crying Woman, illustrated by Amy Córdova (hardcover) $20.00

Anaya, The Santero’s Miracle, illustrated by Amy Córdova (hardcover) $20.00

Arellano and Lamadrid, Juan the Bear and the Water of Life/La Acequia de Juan del Oso, illustrated by Amy Córdova (paper) $19.00

Lamadrid and Nogar, Sisters in Blue: Sor María de Ágreda Comes to New Mexico/Hermanas de azul: Sor María de Ágreda viene a Nuevo México, illustrated by Amy Córdova (hardcover) $20.00

Melendez and the Paiz Family, The Legend of Ponciano Gutiérrez and the Mountain Thieves, illustrated by Amy Córdova (paper) $19.00

Simmons, New Mexico! (hardcover) $40.00


Rare and Out of Print Books

Ebright, Hendricks, and Hughes, Four Square Leagues (hardcover) $50.00

Gallegos, Literacy and Education in New Mexico (hardcover) $30.00

Simmons, Spanish Government in New Mexico (paper) $35.00


Unpublished Manuscripts

Arellano, “Acequias de la Sierra and Early Agriculture”

Arellano, “Acequias and Agriculture”

Arellano, “People vs. Trustees: Protest Activity on the Las Vegas Land Grant, 1902-1907”

Benavides, “Lawyer-Induced Partitioning”

Ebright, “The Guadalupita Land Grant and the Lawyers”

Ebright, “Land Grant Community Associations in New Mexico”

Knowlton, “Flood Control and Reclamation Projects”

Salazar, “Bartholome Fernández Grant”

Salazar, “Benjamin Hodges”

Salazar, “Blas de Hinojos”

Salazar, “Felipe Tafoya Grant”

Salazar, “Juan Andrés Archuleta”

Salazar, “Rio de las Truchas Land Grant”

Salazar, “Old Versus New”

Salazar, “Spanish-Indian Relations in New Mexico”

Torrez, “Crime and Punishment in Spanish Colonial New Mexico”

Torrez, “Southern Ute Agency”

Torrez, “Worthy the Pen and Brush: Los Ojos”

$20.00 each


New Mexico Historical Review

Ebright, “Advocates for the Oppressed,” October 1996, Vol. 71 no.4

Ebright, “Manuel Martínez’s Ditch Dispute,” January 1979, Vol 54 no. 1

Ebright and Montoya, “The Sebastian Martín Grant,” Spring 2021, 

Ebright, Escudero, Hendricks, “Tomás Vélez Cachupín’s Last Will and Testament,” July 2003, Vol. 78 no. 3 

Ebright, “Sharing the Shortages,” January 2001, Vol. 76 no. 1

Ebright, “Whiskey is for Drinking; Water is for Fighting,” Summer 2006, Vol. 81 no. 3 

$20.00 each


Julián Vigil Manuscripts

Five New Mexican 18th-19th Century Census Fragments (paper)

A Short Index to Communications Received from Within New Mexico (paper)

San Miguel del Bado, 1830 Confirmations (paper)

SANM I:10 Vigil Index (paper)

A Short Index to New Mexican Soldiers’ Service Records and Enlistment Papers, 1821-1846 (paper)

Picuris, NM: Marriages, 1826-1775 (paper)

1841 Santa Fe Census (paper)

1845 Census of Las Vegas, New Mexico (paper)

San Miguel del Bado, 1841 Census (paper)

1841 Census of New Mexico: Abiquiú, Chamisal, Ojo Caliente (paper)

$15.00 each



Abiquíu, Chamisal, Ojo Caliente 1841

Abiquiú/Cañones 1860

Agua Negra Abajo (Holman) 1880

Canjilon 1880

Cebolla 1900

Chamita 1860

El Rito 1860

El Rito 1870

Embudo 1860

Gallina 1880

La Cueva 1880

Ojo Caliente 1860

Rio Nutrias 1880

Rio Nutrias 1900

San Jose de Chama 1860

Santa Cruz Census 1860

Santa Fe 1841

Santa Gertrudis (Mora) 1880

Santiago (Las Aguitas) 1880

Tierra Amarilla 1880

Tierra Azul 1860

Tierra Amarilla 1870

$15.00 each

Land Grant Summaries

Abiquiú Genízaro

Arroyo Hondo


Cristóbal Nieto Grant


Doña Ana Bend Colony

Elena Gallegos

Francisco Montes Vigil


Juan José Lobato

Las Trampas 

Ojo Caliente 

Pueblo Quemado 

San Joaquín/Cañon de Chama

San Marcos Pueblo

Santa Fe

Tierra Amarilla


$15.00 each