partial List of Grants
from the Land Grant Database Project
Grant Names: The land grant names and SG and PLC numbers are in accordance with the Surveyor General and Court of Private Land Claim records housed at NM State Record Center and Archives at 1205 Camino Carlos Rey, Santa Fe, NM 87507.
Source abbreviations: SANM= State Archives of New Mexico, SG = Surveyor General, PLC=Court of Private Land Claims, PLB=Pueblo Lands Board, ICC=Indian Claims Commission, F=File J=Journal, (##/###)= reel & frame of microfilm at the New Mexico State Archive Land Grant Records in Santa Fé, NM.
Bowden reference: Page # of Mr. Jocelyn Jean (J. J.) Bowden’s unpublished 1969 six volume Master’s Thesis “Private Land Claims in the Southwest” available to view on microfilm at the the NM State Archive, or in bound form at the NM Supreme Court Law Library and Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX.